Loki: A Bad God's Guide to Making Enemies Ampliar

Loki: A Bad God's Guide to Making Enemies



Loki's fourth doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series.Lokihas made a fair few enemies during his time in Asgard. Too many to count andcertainly too many to remember. When the elf, Vinir beams Loki aboard hischariot and challenges him to a magical duel, Loki hasn't got a clue why.

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Loki's fourth doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series.Lokihas made a fair few enemies during his time in Asgard. Too many to count andcertainly too many to remember. When the elf, Vinir beams Loki aboard hischariot and challenges him to a magical duel, Loki hasn't got a clue why.Sweettalking his way out of a fight by pointing out there's little honour induelling someone who can't remember how they wronged you, and even less inpicking on a child, Loki is returned safely to school.Thatis until Vinir shows up in child form, as resolute as ever about seeking thatduel.

. . and vengeance.

AutorLouie Stowell

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