Step into Reading 2. This Makes Me Sad : Dealing with Feelings Ampliar

Step into Reading 2. This Makes Me Sad : Dealing with Feelings



"[This book] follows a young girl on a field trip to the fair, complete with a roller coaster, pie-eating contest, and petting zoo! But when her pesky nut allergy keeps her from having a treat with her class, the girl learns that even the happiest of days can have unhappy moments. 

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"[This book] follows a young girl on a field trip to the fair, complete with a roller coaster, pie-eating contest, and petting zoo! But when her pesky nut allergy keeps her from having a treat with her class, the girl learns that even the happiest of days can have unhappy moments. By reflecting on her trip and recognizing the many feelings that arose during it, she is able to feel less overwhelmed--and more confident about her positively happy day.-
EditorialRandom House

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