Oh No! Shark in the Snow! Ampliar

Oh No! Shark in the Snow!



*A FIN-TASTIC new festive story in this bestselling series!*Timothy Pope, Timothy Pope looks again through his telescope. As snowflakes fall without a sound, he looks left, he looks right, he looks all around. Wait, is that a SHARK?Turn the page to find out, if you dare .

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*A FIN-TASTIC new festive story in this bestselling series!*Timothy Pope, Timothy Pope looks again through his telescope. As snowflakes fall without a sound, he looks left, he looks right, he looks all around. Wait, is that a SHARK?Turn the page to find out, if you dare .

. . With its funny rhyming text, die-cut holes to peep through, this jawesome adventure is the perfect way to say Snappy Christmas! Discover other books in this bestselling series:SHARK IN THE PARKSHARK IN THE DARKSHARK IN THE PARK ON A WINDY DAY

AutorNick Sharratt

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