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Up High Ampliar

Up High



A tender and funny celebration of the bond between father and son. Going up high on Dad's shoulders is the best way to feel BIG when everything makes you feel small. But maybe, just maybe, being down low is just as good as being up high .

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10,40 €

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A tender and funny celebration of the bond between father and son. Going up high on Dad's shoulders is the best way to feel BIG when everything makes you feel small. But maybe, just maybe, being down low is just as good as being up high .

. . A young boy and his dad go on a walk to the park.

When the little boy starts to feel small walking through the busy streets in town, his dad puts him on his shoulders and, suddenly, it feels like he's flying! And when they reach the park with its birds that sing and leaves that rustle, the boy starts noticing things. Little things. A busy squirrel, a frog on a lily-pad, a tiny ladybird .

. . and LOTS of small, amazing things that might just make him feel a little bigger inside!A simple walk to the park is everything in this heartfelt story from Matt Hunt, illustrator of the critically acclaimed poetry anthology A Whale of a Time, which was shortlisted for Waterstones Book of the Year 2023.

He has also illustrated How To Count To One and Stephen Hawking from the Little People, Big Dreams series. Up High is an instant classic in a distinctive, taller format, and with a heart-warming story that will resonate with children and adults alike.

AutorMatt Hunt
EditorialNosy Crow

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