Be Normal! Ampliar

Be Normal!



A funny and touching story about friendship and celebrating individuality. Theo can't wait to get his very own dog. But when Geoff arrives, Theo is confused .

. . Geoff doesn't play fetch, chase squirrels or do any normal doggy things.

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A funny and touching story about friendship and celebrating individuality. Theo can't wait to get his very own dog. But when Geoff arrives, Theo is confused .

. . Geoff doesn't play fetch, chase squirrels or do any normal doggy things.

He likes painting and making smoothies! When Theo has to introduce Geoff to his friends, he's SO embarrassed. Why can't Geoff be like other dogs? But maybe, just maybe, Theo will discover that accepting your friends just as they are is MUCH more important than being normal.After all, why be normal . .

. when you can be yourself?From talented author-illustrator Ged Adamson, whose previous titles include The Elephant Detectives and Douglas, You Need Glasses. Ged is also part of the hilarious duo behind the This is NOT a .

AutorGed Adamson
EditorialNosy Crow

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