‘This zippy fable is a triumph of nonsense.’ THE TIMES While lots of children have one or two problems, Melanda Notwitch has three: her horrible aunts. They really are the absolute WORST! Luckily, Melanda meets Mitch, a young witch who knows of a magic spell that might make everything better. All they have to do is find one special ingredient.
‘This zippy fable is a triumph of nonsense.’ THE TIMES While lots of children have one or two problems, Melanda Notwitch has three: her horrible aunts. They really are the absolute WORST! Luckily, Melanda meets Mitch, a young witch who knows of a magic spell that might make everything better. All they have to do is find one special ingredient. How hard can it be? A big-hearted and funny adventure in the spirit of Roald Dahl, perfect for ages 7–11. Brimming with loathsome villains, unexpected heroes, extraordinary set pieces and an almost-talking cat.
The first in a series, this is Gary Panton’s fiction debut, and is illustrated by talented newcomer, Dotty Sutton.
Autor | Gary Panton |
Editorial | Chicken House |
Páginas | 304 |
Formato | Paperback |
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