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The Lake



WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO KEEP A SECRET SAFE?Esme and Kayla were once campers at Camp Pine Lake. Now they're back as counsellors-in-training.

Esme loves the little girls in her cabin and thinks it's funny how scared they are of everything - the woods, the bugs, the boys . . .

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WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO KEEP A SECRET SAFE?Esme and Kayla were once campers at Camp Pine Lake. Now they're back as counsellors-in-training.

Esme loves the little girls in her cabin and thinks it's funny how scared they are of everything - the woods, the bugs, the boys . . .

even swimming in the lake. It reminds her of how she and Kayla used to be all those years ago. Because Esme and Kayla have kept a terrible secret.

They vow that this summer will be awesome: two months of sun, s'mores, and flirting with the cute boy counsellors. Until they receive a stark message: THE LAKE NEVER FORGETS. The secret they've kept buried for so many years is about to resurface.

AutorNatasha Preston
EditorialHot Key Books

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