Discover all the foul facts about the Rotten Romans with history's most horrible headlines. All the foul facts about the Rotten Romans are ready to uncover, including: what Roman soldiers wore under their kilts and how ancient Britons got their hair nice and spiky.
Discover all the foul facts about the Terrifying Tudors with history's most horrible headlines. All the foul facts about the Terrifying Tudors are ready to uncover, including: who invited Queen Lizzie to visit his brand new toilet and what you get when you sew the front of a chicken to the back of a pig *
Discover all the foul facts about the Measly Middle Ages with history's most horrible headlines. All the foul facts about the Measly Middle Ages are ready to uncover, including: why chickens had their bottoms shaved a genuine jester's joke and what ten-year-old treacle was used for * fully illustrated throughout and packed with horrible stories
Discover all the foul facts about the Awful Egyptians with history's most horrible headlines. All the Awful Egyptians' most horrible facts ready for readers to uncover, including: why the Egyptian people worshipped a dung beetle which pharaoh married her grandfather and what the 'Shepherd of the Royal Backside' had to do!
Brand new from the bestselling team behind Horrible Histories! It's time to delve into the totally true (sort of) and incredibly intriguing pages of Queen Victoria's Secret Diary. First!
Discover all the foul facts behind the story of Britain and Ireland's seafaring heritage with history's most horrible headlines: cruise edition. Find your horrible sea legs with Terry Deary, the master of making history fun. From the early explorers to the Pilgrim Fathers, the horrors of the slave trade to the particular appeal of a piratical life
Discover all the foul facts life at home during the Second World War with history's most horrible headlines: Blitz edition. Get to grips with Home Front life with Terry Deary, the master of making history fun. From what really happened in Dad's Army to the perils of air raids, and why the Blitzed Brits were eating chicken-fruit, sinkers and nutty.
Revealed! All the cut-throat facts about Celtic Britain with history's most horrible headlines: Celts edition. Jump into Celtic life with Terry Deary, the master of making history fun. Discover why Celtic warriors fought without any kit on, how they preserved their enemy's brains once they'd won the fight and why it was perfectly normal to laugh at funerals.
Discover all the foul facts about the history of fortresses with history's most horrible headlines: Crackin' Castles edition. The master of making history fun, Terry Deary, turns his attention to 50 foul castles across history. From which is the most haunted castle in Britain and why an army disguised themselves as cows to which castle defender used a...
Put the pedal to the metal! Discover all the foul facts behind the story of cars and automobiles across the world with history's most horrible headlines: motor edition. The master of making history fun, Terry Deary, turns his attention to the road.
Discover all the foul facts about the Smashing Saxons with history's most horrible headlines. All the foul facts about the Smashing Saxons are ready to uncover, including: who got cow pats as Christmas presents why wearing a pig on your head is lucky and how to make a dead Saxon happy.
Discover all the cut-throat facts about the Incredible Incas with history’s most horrible headlines: Inca edition. Jump into Inca life with Terry Deary, the master of making history fun. Discover how a bucket of pee could make you beautiful, why servants ate the emperor's hair and how sick people were tricked into feeling better.
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